Tag Archives: BIA. commissioner of Indian Affairs

Movers and Shakers: Part Two

The Commissioner of Indian Affairs was a powerful man, but another man was almost as powerful in the daily lives of Native Americans. This was the Indian agent, who for most intents and purposes, made the daily decisions that really affected reservation life.

Indian agents were originally appointed to live among the various tribes, watch their movements, and promote good will via trade, during the Revolutionary War. They reported to superintendents, who reported to Washington. By the mid-nineteenth century, agents reported directly to the commissioner of Indian Affairs and virtually ran the reservations. Most agents were white civilians. They could be honorable men, with the interests of their Indian charges at heart, or they could be petty tyrants. The Indians under their control didn’t have a say in the matter.

Office and Sutler Store, Round Valley Agency, CA 1876, courtesy Library of Congress

Office and Sutler Store, Round Valley Agency, CA 1876, courtesy Library of Congress

Home of Indian Agent, courtesy Western History/Genealogy Department, Denver Public Library

Home of Indian Agent, courtesy Western History/Genealogy Department, Denver Public Library
