Tag Archives: Missouri State Insane Asylum

The Care and Feeding of Lunatics

Early Oleomargarine

Early Oleomargarine

In any large institution, food is a big deal. In 1903, the American Journal of Insanity (see 6/3/10 post) reported that Dr. J.C. Dunlop reviewed the diets provided by state supported institutions, and found them mainly satisfactory. Dr. Dunlop made some additional suggestions that he thought would be adequate under most circumstances. He recommended:

–Bread should be given at all meals.

–A minimum of 24 ounces of meat (before cooking and without bone) should be given to each patient per week.

–A fish dinner or fifth meat dinner should be given weekly.

–Porridge and milk should be given daily.

–A minimum of three pounds of potatoes should be given to each patient per week.

–A pound and a half of other fresh vegetables should be given to patients weekly.

–Tea or coffee should be given as desired twice daily to patients.

–Patients should receive a minimum of five ounces or butter or six ounces of margarine each week.

Patients who worked could be given more food as required.

Women Working in Field

Women Working in Field

Patients at Missouri State Insane Asylum, 1912

Patients at Missouri State Insane Asylum, 1912
