This is an out-of-schedule post to ask for information about Canton Asylum patients transferred to St. Elizabeths in 1933, for a projected memorial. If you have any information about them, particularly about their lives before they were in Canton Asylum, we would both appreciate it. If you’d like to provide any details, you may simply reply to this post or send information to a private email at:
Joanna, Augusta
Bear, Frank
Charlie (only name)
Charley or Charles, Creeping
Dauphinais, Madeline
Ensign, Meda
Fairbanks, Richard
Jackson, Robert
Kalonuheskie, Edith
Rising Fire, Bessie
Shortwoman, Sarah
Tsinnjinnie, Mabel
Vigil, Fidel
Yazza, Zonna or Sonna
Yazzie, Hoskee
Thank you.