Tag Archives: Agnes Caldwell

Dr. Hummer’s Views on Curability

Alienists Sought Early Intervention for Insanity

One reason that people throughout time have hesitated to admit to mental illness is because the diagnosis was frequently a lifelong sentence (see last post). Unlike physical illnesses which were cured, people with mental illness were stigmatized long after symptoms subsided or a problematic episode cleared up. One reason alienists and asylums were embraced so eagerly was because they promised a new age of cures. Alienists were so confident that the right environment and treatment could cure insanity that a “cult of curability” developed which waned only when asylums became so crowded that effective treatment became impossible. When alienists could no longer deal only with acute, new cases of insanity, the prospect of a cure became bleaker.

At the Canton Asylum for Insane Indians, Dr. Harry Hummer almost embraced a cult of incurability. He rarely pronounced an individual well, and his letters are full of misgivings about letting patients return home even when their symptoms abated. He wrote to the commissioner of Indian Affairs about Agnes Caldwell: “I recommend that no steps be taken looking to her release, because it is almost certain that she would soon come to grief and have to be returned.” In 1919 he wrote about Allen Owl: “[He] is well-behaved and trusted with parole privileges of the grounds and an occasional pass to town to the picture shows, in addition to which he was permitted to work with neighboring farmers this season, earning about one hundred and fifty or sixty dollars. This, however, does not mean that he could or would do as well were he discharged . . . I believe that it would be but a comparatively short time before there would be a return of more active symptoms which would necessitate his re-incarceration in an institution for the insane.”

Acute Insanity as Cause of Death

Prominent Alienist, Luther Bell


Insane Letters

Seal of Menominee Nations

Seal of Menominee Nations

Though the superintendents at asylums undoubtedly read patients’ letters at times, they don’t seem to have censored or stopped them as any kind of universal practice. Many letters from patients to relatives and other people have survived, including letters from patients at the Canton Asylum for Insane Indians.

Agnes Caldwell, a Menominee Indian from Keshena, WS, wrote frequently to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to ask for her release. On January 1, 1920, she wrote: “I got a letter from home I show it to him [Superintendent Hummer] the letter I heard about my little Boy he was very sick we all like to see are [sic] children. I am feeling just blue from that day.”

She begged the commissioner to write to Hummer, to let her visit her family. Superintendent Hummer didn’t feel she should go, so the commissioner wrote back, saying, “Your superintendent will be the best judge of the proper time for your return to your home.”

Menominee Indians Camping, circa 1917

Menominee Indians Camping, circa 1917

Menominee Reservations

Menominee Reservations
