Citizens of Canton, SD were proud of their town. It offered many goods and services, and supported many civic and social clubs. Canton’s weekly newspaper, The Sioux Valley News, acted as a conduit of information and provides a lively picture of the townspeople’s interests and concerns.
On October 26, 1906, just one page of the newspaper covered the following events:
* Reverend G. S. Evans gave an address at the Congregational church’s annual Harvest Festival in the nearby town of Hudson on Monday evening.
* After the regular business meeting of Centennial Lodge No. 10, I. O. O. F. (Independent Order of Odd Fellows), “an open session was held and a social time enjoyed.” After refreshments, participants enjoyed a program of entertainment. Miss Nettie Braithwaite “rendered two vocal numbers in a pleasing manner after which Hon. B. Kennedy made a few farewell remarks.”
* Gate City Chapter No. 26 required the attendance of all members at a special meeting.
* Grieg Hall decided to open a reading room for its members.
* Oscar Bailey Gifford (son of the Canton Asylum for Insane Indians’s superintendent) married Miss Alice Cedarbloom at Minneapolis on Wednesday.